Statins for Cholesterol: To Do Or Not to Do

My husband was prescribed cholesterol-reducing statins by his physician for several years. He didn’t care for the side effects and began researching the various statin medications. By the time a low dose of Crestor was prescribed for me, Jym was 100% opposed to them and badgered me to read all the material he had collected.… Continue reading Statins for Cholesterol: To Do Or Not to Do

Gadgets for Guys

We’ve all heard the old saying, “the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys.” That may not hold true today since both adults and kids own and play with expensive video games, own fancy cell phones, ride pricey bicycles. But one thing that never changes is a guy’s fascination with… Continue reading Gadgets for Guys

Springtime Dining Decor

The sweet spring breezes chase through the budding trees and everyone in my household turns to the rites of the season.  My brother is buying every possible type of plant, digging up the whole yard to plant them while I get the itch to spring-a-fy the great indoors. Removing the dark red/black tablecloth and the heavy… Continue reading Springtime Dining Decor

Emergency Cake Plate

Making Your Own Serving Dishes While decorating the kitchenette cubbyhole, the need arose for a cake stand.  My crowded cupboards produced nothing more than a plastic plate with matching cover – not a great choice.  Sis insisted I go with her to a local yard sale on the small chance that the perfect piece would… Continue reading Emergency Cake Plate

Decorating with Cats

If you are owned by one or more cats, you know how difficult it is to maintain a clean, decent and attractive home. Cats are notorious climbers, so nothing is safe on display. Cats shed, leaving behind enough fur to weave a blanket. And cats with claws generally create havoc wherever they land. We share… Continue reading Decorating with Cats

Is Condo Life for You?

A few years ago, we sold our Florida home and moved to temporary quarters in an apartment complex.  I admit to having mixed feelings about this move, even though we didn’t expect to stay there long. Jim and I had not lived in an apartment since we were newlyweds, and I wasn’t sure either of… Continue reading Is Condo Life for You?