Are You Killing Your Pet with Second and Third-Hand Smoke?

Did you know that second-hand smoke is as dangerous to your pets as it is to humans? Even third-hand smoke is bad. Third-hand smoke, according to an article here by Dr. Karen Becker is best described as “what  you smell when you get on an elevator after someone has returned from smoking outside, or what  you smell in… Continue reading Are You Killing Your Pet with Second and Third-Hand Smoke?

Categorized as Pet Patter

Twenty-five Hints for Easy Living

  I love collecting helpful hints, whether it’s from “Hints from Heloise” or, in the cases included here, the power company or those terrific women’s magazines.  When I find one that is especially helpful, I pass it along to friends, neighbors and relatives.  Building up a group who exchange helpful hints makes housework easier and… Continue reading Twenty-five Hints for Easy Living

Warrior with a Heart and a Badge

He is not just a man; he is a Grade A Warrior.  Meet Sgt. Ronald A. Wilhoit.  He has been a police warrior for 45 years.  For twenty-one, he held the position of Security Police in the United States Air Force, complete with service in Viet Nam.  He returned home to people spitting on him… Continue reading Warrior with a Heart and a Badge