10 Things I Can Stop Worrying About


Telling a woman to stop worrying is like telling the sun not to come up in the morning. Worrying tends to be inherent to our sex.

I must have inherited a gi-normous worry gene. I am so guilty of overkill when it comes to worrying. Nigel Barber, Ph.D, writes that there are few gender differences more reliable than  a woman’s penchant for worrying. He adds that women are more vulnerable to anxiety disorders and tend to worry too much.

Another article states that women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders per the National Institute of Health (NIMH).

There are actually medical and environmental reasons why women worry so much. “The female brain is chock full of receptors for female hormones that interact with brain chemicals called neurotransmitters.”  This action explains why the female brain is susceptible to anxiety. The writer also suggests that cultural burdens may cause anxiety symptoms in women.

Remember that “Men are from Mars; women are from Venus” catch phrase that resulted from the book of the same name? That may not be quite the case, but women and men are definitely “wired” differently.

Chronic stress and anxiety create health issues in women, such as depression, diabetes, and even heart disease. Therefore, it makes sense that at some point, we have to let go of the stress and anxiety and stop worrying. If not, medical assistance may be required.

With that thought in mind, I came up with my own suggestions of “worries” we women can let go of as we face our senior years.

Stop Worrying about the Past

We all have said or done things at some time or other that we wish we could take back. If there are things for which you need to apologize, do it now.  Forgive yourself because none of us is perfect. I’ve decided to stop mentally beating myself up over the past.

Achieving Perfection Is Unreasonable

I am not perfect and never will be. So why do I feel like I should be achieving perfection? It’s a goal that many people seek but really isn’t reasonable. Life is too short to worry about a perfect home or perfect children. Women of my generation were raised to believe that their children and home reflect who they are as mothers or homemakers. Enjoy the kids, because they grow up much too soon. The house will still be there when  you get around to it.

Your job may never be perfect but you can create pleasure in a job well-done and quit stewing over things you cannot accomplish. Enjoy your life and stop worrying!

Worrying about My Weight Is Pointless

Society shows us that women are often judged by their looks – at any age. I’ve been fighting the same 20 lbs. for too long, and I promise myself I will put it out of my mind. Exercise and eating healthy are important for good health and if the pounds fall off along, all the better. But I must not let those 15- 20 extra pounds consume me. Life is too short.

It Doesn’t Matter If Not Everyone Likes Me

The younger me worried about being liked by all.  The senior me says, “Take me or leave me.” No matter how nice you are, someone passing through your life will dislike you. Sometimes it is deserved and many times, the other person may have a problem. Do the best you can to be kind to others and let the chips fall where they may. Don’t lose sleep over what you cannot control.

Why Worry about Growing Old

As the saying goes, it is a privilege denied to many. Embrace those Golden Years! Exercise, eat right and stay healthy. Get out around people. Volunteer your time to help others. In other words, get out of yourself. Do for others and you won’t have time to worry about growing old. And on that same note….

Who Cares about My Wrinkles

Actually, this issue became far less important to me several years ago when I decided against a face lift. I visited a Lifestyle Lift office to discuss having my upper eyelids “fixed.” I left there with an appointment for the eyes and thoughts of having those encroaching wrinkles and fine lines removed from my face. Eyes “done” and follow-up visit completed, I snagged down a tech in the hallway and asked if she could tell me anything about the recovery time for a full Lifestyle Lift. When she said it would be 7 days with my face, head and even ears trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey, vanity took a hike. Being more than a little claustrophobic, that surgery would not be part of my future.

I will live with and try to embrace every line on my face and stop worrying about them. After all, I earned each and every one of those wrinkles.

Might As Well Worry about What Really Matters

Life these days is full of serious issues to worry about!  It might behoove all of us to pay more attention to the issues that could affect the future of all of us and less attention to individual concerns.  We are going to age, like it or not. Why not just do so gracefully, accepting the inevitable changes that happen along the way.



By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.

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