10 Ways to Rev Up Your Energy Levels


dog tired

Do you have days when it’s all you can do to climb out of bed? I think we all do. If it’s a continuing problem, you may want to visit your doctor to rule out any medical issues. But if you believe it is just the years catching up with you, perhaps it’s time to rev up your energy level.  Lack of energy can happen at any age but for women, mid-life seems to bring it on.  Research showed many websites full of suggestions but I have compiled what I consider to be the best right here:

1.  Increase your magnesium intake. According to webmd.com, magnesium provides “more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including breaking down glucose into energy.

2.  Walk!  A brisk, 10-minute walk increases energy and the effect can last up to 2 hours. That doesn’t require any equipment (except for decent walking shoes).tennis shoes

3.  Reduce stress.  Stress comes from anxiety and anxiety uses up energy. That said, we all know that reducing stress in our lives is easier said than done. A few ways to decrease stress levels include simplifying your life by cutting out some of the commitments that stress you, organizing your daily life an not putting off what should be done now. Just those simple changes could help you feel more relaxed and less pressured.

4.  Eat regular meals.  Be sure your diet is well-balanced. Avoid excess sugar, and drink more water.

5.  Power naps are good.  Research shows that “information overload and pushing our brains too hard can zap our energy.”  A short 10-15 minute nap rests the brain and gives us time to recharge our personal batteries.

6.  Have your thyroid checked. If you continue to experience a lack of energy, ask your doctor about checking your thyroid level.  A low thyroid (hypothyroidism) leaves you feeling drained, among others.

7.  Eat an energy snack.  A handful of almonds or hazelnuts can give you an immediate lift.  In a pinch, a small amount of dark chocolate helps. A small snack every 4 hours helps regulate blood glucose levels and boost your energy.nuts

8.  Change your environment.  Do some stretches to wake up your system. Turn on some rock music or jazz. Sing along.  Take a cold shower. Phone a friend who always seems to be upbeat.

9.  Limit your caffeine intake.  Consume no more than 2 cups of coffee a day.  More than that may result in fatigue.

10. Exercise!  Yoga, pilates, tai chi, and even aerobic exercise all increase your energy flow.Yoga



By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.

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