6 Reasons Why People Give Up Their Dogs


On a local social media group, I followed a thread about a “found” dog as the rescuers searched for his owner. This dog was old, blind and deaf and found wandering alone along a busy road.

The owner was eventually found but because the animal was old, the man no longer wanted his pet. Said he didn’t have time to care for an old dog. I don’t know if he had dumped the dog or how the poor animal ended up alone on a busy road.

I wished momentarily that the same fate might befall this man when he grows old, but that is not a kind thought.  However, I will say that Karma can be a real bitch!

Why people give up their dogs.

Why People Give Up Their Pets

There’s a Baby Coming!

There appears to be a trend among couples expecting their first baby that babies and dogs don’t mix. That opinion is wrong! The dog came first. He is the first “child.” Yet far too many younger people no longer want the dog when the human baby arrives.

Dogs and children make great friends.

Properly trained dogs and children can easily live in harmony.

My Dog Misbehaves!

I’m a believer in the adage, “There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.” Train a dog properly, and he won’t misbehave.

My Landlord Won’t Allow Pets!

Yes, there are situations where there is no choice but in general, some people could try harder to find pet-friendly accommodations.

I Can’t Afford the Vet Bills!

Again, life can sometimes get in the way of what we want. But overall, don’t bring home a pet, if you cannot afford to care for it.

I’m Sick and Can’t Take Care of My Dog!

This reason breaks my heart! None of us expect to become physically unable to care for our pets, but it happens. The ideal solution is to plan ahead when you decide to add a dog to your family. Don’t do it unless you have someone in place who will take your pet should it become necessary.

Jim and I had this discussion before we brought Murphy home last year. Our youngest son assured us that he will take Murphy, if the time comes we cannot care for him.

Senior Dogs Aren’t Much Fun

Yes, I really have heard that excuse for turning a dog in to a shelter. I don’t understand what kind of human does that to a helpless, old animal. If it’s a kill shelter, senior dogs and sick dogs are the first to be euthanized. Even at a n0-kill facility, a senior may live out his life in a run with little companionship or love.

What Can We Do to Help Keep Pets in Their Home?

Some people in this world have no respect for pets. Dogs and cats belong outside in their minds, are fed scraps and rarely see a vet. Perhaps they were raised that way. Or maybe they just don’t like dogs or specifically, old dogs.

At the other extreme, some try to humanize their pets and treat them like human children. Most of us lie somewhere in-between.

Education Is Key

Judging by what we see in the media, the majority of Americans today lean more toward cherishing their pets and actually caring for  them.  The best we can do is try to educate others. Teach them that pets are family and should never be dumped because they become inconvenient. We can try to provide real solutions in situations where someone has no choice.

Categorized as Pet Patter

By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.


  1. good article…and the reason I won’t get another dog….I know I can’t give it the care it deserves….

    1. Wish everyone would think before they take on a new pet and be sure they can handle one. In a perfect world, people would treat their dogs like family and never decide to dump the animal when a new human baby comes along. Until then, all we can do is preach it and encourage people to consider all sides before adding to their family.

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