5 Reasons Why Seniors Need Dogs

Seniors need dogs in their lives. As a life-long animal lover, I find it hard to imagine not owning a pet or two. But many folks go through life – or at least their adult lives – not wanting the responsibility or the messiness of pet ownership. Eventually, they find themselves older, perhaps having lost… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Seniors Need Dogs

Categorized as Pet Patter

How Healthy Is Your Pet’s Food?

Many pet food experts and others like me who have studied pet nutrition and become knowledgeable about the subject often appear in the media discussing good and bad food and its ingredients. Unfortunately, we find that many in our audiences do not follow our advice. Many believe their veterinarians are the experts and when he… Continue reading How Healthy Is Your Pet’s Food?

Categorized as Pet Patter

Neuter Your Male Cats!

Just in case any of you think the neutering male cats is mean and cruel, let me clue you in to the real truth.  Leaving a male feline “intact” creates problems in many directions. Have you ever lived with a female cat in heat? Tomcats come from miles away to vie for her affections.  It… Continue reading Neuter Your Male Cats!

Categorized as Pet Patter

A Pup for Mom and Pop

Sis Loses Her First Love – Horses We have spoken of pets for seniors before.  Recently my sister and I both became the proud owners of two dogs.  Maybe our stories will bring home how different the same event can affect two separate homes. My sister is brave and has always been brave.  She raised… Continue reading A Pup for Mom and Pop

Dog of Courage – The Great Dane

Great Danes were bred to pull heavy loads of meat when fresh meat, before refrigeration, could only be held in a store for a single day.  Employees had to transport the meat to the shops every day in all weather.  With the heavy weight, inclement weather posed a huge problem when sleds or wagons bogged… Continue reading Dog of Courage – The Great Dane

Cats Belong Indoors!

Cats have a way of worming themselves into their owners’ affections.  Those of us who live with these wily creatures find it difficult to understand others who don’t care for them. I grew up knowing very little about cats, because my Mother was a “dog person.”  I recall having a kitty for a pet for… Continue reading Cats Belong Indoors!

Categorized as Pet Patter

How to Choose the Perfect Dog

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, all kinds of temperaments, and all kinds of energy levels.  The best dog for a senior citizen is determined by all those traits, but the decision is also dependent on the physical condition and living situation of the human. There is no question that owning a pet improves… Continue reading How to Choose the Perfect Dog

Categorized as Pet Patter