A Few Tips to Green Up Your Cat

Our pets negatively impact the environment far more than we realize, but we humans can reduce the damage.  We can all do our share by following the suggestions below: Don’t allow your cat to roam outside.  Free-roaming cats take a huge toll on the environment.  Felines are fascinated with birds and being instinctive hunters, they… Continue reading A Few Tips to Green Up Your Cat

Categorized as Pet Patter

9 Tips to Save on Pet Care

Owning a dog or cat is a fairly reasonable cost, but there are some unavoidable fees involved.  If you purchase an animal from a breeder or pet store, there will be a fee, often pricey.  Then you may have to pay to spay or neuter your new pet.  Adopting a pet from a reputable rescue… Continue reading 9 Tips to Save on Pet Care

Categorized as Pet Patter