Dating – A Question Mark

Question Mark, Note, Duplicate, Request, Matter
Artwork by geralt and Pixabay

I’m reading answers people give to the many questions asked by my current dating site. Frankly, folks don’t seem to think about them much when answering. For instance:

“A person who has an affair with a married person is…”

A few have answered “I don’t judge.” This makes me laugh because if the question was changed just a tad to “A person who has an affair with your spouse is…,” want to bet the person would be judging with all his body, mind and soul?

Of course we judge in cases like this and it really doesn’t matter who the married person is because that’s how humans are made.

Another question is “Babies are…” Most say adorable and, yes, they are. I, however, said exhausting because no matter how cute, sweet, adorable they may be, these little darlings require 24/7 care and that is exhausting, my friends, especially if one of them cries through the night for the first year.

It’s also interesting that so many people, even the seniors who used to swoon over them, think love letters are a thing of the past. I think love letters, whether written by hand, typewriter or computer, are beautiful beyond compare and should never become obsolete. They are something to cherish in a special place and I’m not talking about a computer file. The letters I received from my husband were short, usually filled only with his vows of undying love, and I read each one until it was almost in tatters. Over the years, they became misplaced in one of many moves. I mourn their loss even today because I knew writing was not something he enjoyed doing.  Seriously, would you prefer a badly handwritten note saying, “Hello, Sweetheart, I think of you all the time and can hardly wait to have you in my arms again” or a phone text message that reads “hi, swtht, I thk of u & cn hdly wt 2 hld u n my arms agn”?   Remember, the note you can hold close to your heart, open it again and again and you can’t accidentally erase it by hitting the wrong key.

Here’s a great question – Would you rather explore a cave (nope, claustrophobic – fear of tight places) or scale a mountain (nope, acrophobia – fear of heights)? So where are the other places on the list we might visit? Evidently there aren’t any! Many of these questions help answer things about the person that are not readily apparent in the rest of the information received.

When questions about current or past presidents, ecology, immigration or other touchy subjects loom on the horizon, answers provided yell ‘LIBERAL!’ or ‘CONSERVATIVE’ louder than if the person simply stated the obvious.

Then there are the questions about people who are supposed to be larger than life personalities. My answer is usually ‘Who?’ because I have little interest in movie stars, singers, sports players or others idolized by so many. If the other party gives an answer other than that, I have no clue whether they are being serious, sarcastic, or as uninterested as I on these inquiries.

Love the ones that really make you think. ‘Would you rather…(a) be caught in subzero temperatures without a coat, (b)sit on the edge of a volcano in your bathing suit, (c) try to tame a great white shark?’ No, that isn’t a real question from the site, but some are just as ridiculous and have no real choice a logical, sane human being might answer.

Should anyone here go on a dating site and answer a ton of questions, please think about what you’re answering. You might be surprised at how many you skip as inane, insane, or in vain.


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