How Fifty Cents Can Buy Elegance


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Yesterday was my search for the ‘elegant unfindable item’ day.  As usual, it began at my cousin’s weekly yard sale, where anything is possible in the realm of decoration.

First, my eyes clicked onto two gorgeous vases that will be the star of yet another decorating article.  Fresh out of their boxes – never used by the original owner – they took my breath away.  Instead of bare vases, I imagined stunning fall flowers and small trickling vines adding to their beauty.

On the next table sat today’s treasure pieces…elegant individual syrup (or cream) dispensers in their own individual saucers. Christmas is just over the rise and pictures of my children at the dining room table, each with a tiny pitcher filled with warm buttery syrup as the Christmas waffles are served filled my head.  Ah, but what the price?  Fifty CENTS for each pitcher and saucer set.  Who could pass up such a deal?

A luncheon, followed by coffee, with friends brings another suggestion to mind.  The best dinner plates, cups and saucers, in a simple setting, with the small pitchers and saucers serving individual creamer choices.  Why a simple setting?  To show off your latest purchase, my dears. Why have it lost in the middle of a table filled with items that overpower it?  Of course, unlike the first picture, napkins and silverware must be added. However, even in those, keep it simple.  Let your star shine.  By the way, the runner on the bottom is the correct color and the color of the napkin enhances the pattern of the pitcher/saucer combination.

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As always, the center of the table should be brightened with a floral or plant display, although on those special holidays such as Halloween, perhaps the pumpkins and black cats may rule or even a fat turkey or ham on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Have you ever had a real tea party for your daughter?  These charming pitchers fit the scene, as the young ladies don fabulous hats and dresses (from your closet or from the nearest Good Will or Salvation Army shop) and maybe a pair of glamorous shoes before sitting down to tea and crumpets.  Cookies or another dessert may take the place of crumpets.  I guarantee you will be the super hero of the day as their imaginations break free of a technological life and share a real life adventure.

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All of these wonderful uses for items costing two dollars total for the set of four.  Unlike those expensive glasses, cups, cut crystal pitchers we store ‘for special occasions’, these yard sale beauties may be threatened with breakage and you know your bank account will not suffer the loss…although you might grieve their passing, as more and more uses come to mind.

Get out, start looking and find your treasure – your unusual, beautiful item that sets your table apart from any other.



  1. Another great article dear lady!! I enjoyed this so much and it is the kind of thing I too love to seek out at the great yard sales on weekends. When there is a find like this there are a hundred imaginings running through the callused mind like mine! Beautiful year round uses and multi-room uses. Used in a guest bath with tiny finger towel or wash cloth or on a tray across a guest bed to welcome them with buds softly playing the supporting role to the pitcher. So many things come to mind. Love decorating ideas and esp the sort that as we say, don’t clean out the bank. Great stuff!

  2. Thank you, Virginia. I enjoy using them because they can be diamonds or squares. They go with round, square, hexagonal, or any other shape dish and always look sophisticated, even if used at a casual luncheon.

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