Lights of Summer


We are in the delightful Lights of Summer, my friends.  There are so many, I scarce know where to begin.  That, as you well know, has never stopped me from writing a fun, fanciful article and it shan’t do so now.

As we shed the heavy coats of winter for tank tops and bathing suits, so must we remove the heavy florals from our tables, no matter what the room.  The lovely adornment at the beginning of this article, allows the beauty of the tri-canvas art to show through.  One recommended change to this piece would be to take away the red candles and perhaps add cream colored ones.  Cream softens all decor.

On the dining table, which is in the same room, a delicate scattering of flowers opens the room, as well as the table itself.  With so few decorations, there is no need to remove the flowers, although I do recommend removing the tulip candle holders, when serving the meal.  This is one place where a short fat candle works, as only the lovely glow is seen.

Spring and Summer gently scream for garden parties to start the season!  What would a garden party be without paper lanterns?  Softening the night with their delicate lights, they provide a magic atmosphere, where we almost see fairies peeking from the accordion folds.

Tables may carry the same fabulousness, when wooden sticks (available at your local craft store, are glued inside a few lanterns and placed over jars containing candles.  Please do check that the glue is not flammable.  We prefer gentle summer lights to raging bonfires.

Should a fence surround the party area, wire hangers clasped around old fashioned blue Mason jars, in which candles glow, may have the other end secured on the fence at five-foot intervals.  So much for the great outdoors, my dears.

Let us return to our inner sanctum, where those heavy pillar candles must be temporarily banished from every room!  Perhaps we shall permit one or two around our private bath area or in a special use in the bedroom, but there we must draw the line.  We are not speaking of an erasable red line; this is an impossible to remove red line…at least until Autumn taps on the window panes.

Candles, Wax Candle, Red, Christmas, Decoration, Flame
Thanks to Open Clipart Vectors on Pixabay for the photo.

Imagine your sweethearts’ delight when he/she enters a bedroom where sexy short candles glow in candelabras in the fireplace and on the dresser and even the table in the sitting area.  (Darlings, do remove your antique jewelry box, unless it is filled with a river of reflective diamonds.)


Perhaps the luscious firelight illuminates rose petals on the bed, where a sensual massage awaits from your loving hands. (Check back in other articles to find how this is done.  I would tell you the article, but the search is so worth it!)

Move along to the Table for Two you have set in the window-encircled kitchen alcove, where (for safety’s sake) you have planted in a large planter saucer, the tops of solar lights in the shape of a heart.  Should you be deliciously corny enough to add yours and your loved ones initials with battery tea candle lights, so much the better!)

Two slender medium, but regal candles, resting in silver candle holders, deliver the delicate smell of oranges, the peels of which have been grated and added to the sweetness of gardenia blossoms in a silver bowl.  (Because of the acidity, do protect the bottom of the bowl with cardboard cake holders, dear ones.)  Or clean out those tea candle cups and add the liquid from boiled orange peels. Notice that once again, the florals are small instead of dense and overpowering.

As we said at the beginning, just as we pack away the heaviness of winter, we should bring out all the trinkets and lights of summer.

Alas, my lovely summer pool buddies, I could not resist passing along the sexy massage link…click here.





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