Older Folks Survive Stress During the Pandemic

Seniors survive stress of the Pandemic.

The world today presents challenges for everyone.  Not everyone is well-equipped to deal with the turmoil and difficulties we face. However, older folks often survive stress better than many, because over the years we saw the world change, evolve, and continue on, regardless of human behavior. Jim and I no longer stay strictly at home. We trust and occasionally visit a few restaurants or sometimes drive out to the beach, just to soak in the sunsets and serenity we find there. But instead of visiting stores to shop, I order online.  That includes groceries where possible. The quarantine from Covid-19, as well as the rioting and protests in our country, severely impacted our lives.

We may all wish to be granted a 2020 do-over.  Failing that, dealing with the rest of this year remains our only option. Despite the ugliness going on in our country and around the world, we seniors know how to weather this storm and thrive.  As the rest of the world struggles with the virus, opening and closing, depending on how many diagnosed cases of Covid-19 health specialists reported the previous day, experts tell seniors (and anyone at risk) to stay home, practice social distancing in order to stay healthy. We older folks are up to surviving stress brought on by this quarantine and thriving in separation from the rest of the world!

How Seniors Survive Stress By Staying Busy During Tough Times

As the world fights to return to something resembling normal, seniors dig into our past years for strength. Our generation lived through wars, drugs, years of dissent among various groups.  Stress is no stranger.  We know how to survive it!

Count Your Blessings

Maybe that sounds cheesy, but we have lived long enough to have many reasons to be grateful. Yes, some stumbling blocks appeared along the way, and grief seemed unbearable.  But our strength allowed us to separate the good from the bad and remember all we saw and accomplished.

I look back at my almost 58 years of marriage and count so many stellar moments: The births of my 4 sons; the adoption of our daughter, Elisa, in 1974 in Guatemala; the summer of 1981 when our older daughter, Merida, joined our family; and then the grandchildren! Yes, awful events stunned us, like the murder of my dear friend, Carlene; the death of another long-time friend, Norma; and the passing of Mark, my youngest brother. Those difficult times paled in comparison to losing our daughter, Elisa, in November, 2019. Her unexpected death presented us with a grief beyond all others, and recovery from it eludes us. But through it all, we counted our blessings. Our lives, enriched by all our family and friends, encouraged us to keep going.

What 5 Positive Events Shaped Your Life?

When feeling depressed or at loose ends, think back on your life and consider just 5 events that shaped it. Whether from family or career or even world events, everyone can find 5 major moments that affected their lives.  Look back at all the events, find the positives and hold them close.

Stay Busy!

We all have days when the thought of staying at home one more day threatens our sanity!  The only way to survive this and maintain sound minds is to find plenty of activities to keep busy.   When we feel safe enough to get out, many opportunities beg for people to help feed the homeless, pass out food boxes at churches or volunteer with local animal rescue groups. If we put others first, think about helping someone else, there is less time to focus on ourselves and what we may have lost.

Hobbies! Hobbies! Hobbies!

Hobbies help seniors survive stress.

Writing is therapy for me but since my daughter’s death, I haven’t been able to produce anything worth reading.  The muse is now returning and once back in the groove, this will be my main activity.  My sewing machine hums with so many projects to complete, that I fully expect the world to be back up and running at full force before I catch up.  What works for you?  Do you sew or paint?  Is music your therapy of choice? So many options abound for us seniors who no longer dress for a job each day. 

When the weather cools off, I’m looking forward to biking the neighborhoods where I live with my trusty camera along to photograph the wildlife.

No matter what, don’t let the quarantine stop you or your dreams! God gave each of us gifts and expects us to make the most of them.

Fix-Up, Paint-Up Projects Relieve Stress!

How about those projects you’ve been putting off? Now’s the time to move ahead with them.  Does your home need help? Small repairs, special cleaning tasks, and even remodeling jobs await.  Make a plan for you and your partner to tackle that To Do List and get started!

For example, clean out your closets.  No one enjoys this task and it rarely gets done when needed. With more time, toss aside the excuses.  As organization and clean shelves appear, think about the calm you will feel.

Remove or repair household hazards. If there is ever a time when we need safety in our homes, it is now. We want security in our homes, so look for small fixes and changes that improve your lives.  Do you need a safety rail in your shower? Does your shower door stick, making it difficult to open. Hire someone or fix it yourself.  Install smoke detectors or check that they work correctly.  Install night lights in places that might help you wander around in the dark. How about adding that chain lock on the front door?

Pets May Present Hazards!

Several years ago, I visited my son’s home. One night I returned to the kitchen late at night for a bottle of water. Although I checked the floor ahead of me before turning off the light, his dog decided to lie down directly in my path as soon as I flipped the switch.  Yep, I tripped over him and fell flat on my face. In my mid-60’s at the time, that fall might have resulted in a severe injury. But I was lucky – I only broke a toe, and the dog was unharmed. Are your pets visible in low-light to no-light situations?  If not, you can fix that.

Consider adding a glow-strip or some form of low-light to your dog’s collar and perhaps a bell to your cat’s collar, so that you see them before you trip.

Stay Healthy!

Exercise helps seniors survive stress and stay in shape.

During the months of forced quarantine, one of the most difficult issues was exercising enough to offset the additional snacking.  A more sedentary way of life seldom lends itself to maintaining a healthy weight and staying in shape.  Though our gyms finally opened in our development, I don’t go there.  The social distancing isn’t sufficient for me.  I bought a small bike exerciser to use at home. It’s basically a sturdy frame with bike pedals. Lightweight enough to move, it is easily stationed in front of the television where I pedal away.  I’d like to say I’m using my hand weights like I should, but it wouldn’t be true.

Look for Fitness Help Online.

For those of you looking to exercise and stay fit, take a look at the offerings on You Tube.  All kinds of videos abound with focuses on varying skills.  This one  is a low-impact video aimed at seniors. Famous people like Jillian Michaels offer some classes. Not into sit-ups and weights?  Then, at the very least, walk!  Fresh air improves our mood as much as the exercise improves our muscles.  Just avoid walking in the hottest time of day.

Older Folks Can Survive Stress!

This time of self-quarantine offers the perfect time to improve your life, help others where you can, while staying safe.  How often in the past have you lamented so little time and so much to do? Use this isolation in a positive way. Get the tedious jobs out of the way and make way for the fascinating hobbies.  Change your way of thinking to how much you might accomplish during this special time.  Last, but not least, when and where you can safely do so, be prepared to greet the outside world and welcome friends back into your life.



By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.

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