Why You Should Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings and show gratitude for all you have.

In life, we have choices. We could dwell on what we didn’t have, don’t have or could have had. We might choose anger over happiness at the way our lives have progressed. Or we could turn that around and be grateful for what  comes our way; happy for unanswered prayers that, in reality, allowed us to find something or someone better. Learn to count your blessings!

The truth is, we lived our lives the best we could. Sure, a whole bunch of money might have made a difference. Or a different childhood could have changed the adult we became. But whatever we did with our lives, we should look back and be grateful we made it this far.

How Gratitude Benefits You

Rather than feeling sorry for yourself or going through your senior years as a “Debbie Downer,” look back on your life. Did you learn anything during the difficult times? Were there some good times or positive happenings in your earlier life? Count your blessings and include the lessons you learned from your past.

Analyze Your Past

Your past may have been better than you thought. Give it a hard look. Find the good mixed in with what you don’t like about it, then focus on those good times instead of the negative ones. Some examples might include:

Do You Remember When Your Grandchildren Were Born?

When you count your blessings, remember your grandbabies.

I recall the first time I held each of my grandbabies, the sweetness and innocence of each one, the little hand curling around my finger. Those moments brought back memories of my own babies. Try to recall special moments with your own grandchildren.

Wisdom Gained from Your Years of Living

The years should have given you a pretty good sense of who you are. Remember when you couldn’t say no to people?  How you worried what others thought of you! Have you since learned that you can say no without regret and the heck with what others think?

The Importance of Old Friends

They say people come into your life for a reason and for a season.  In many cases, that’s true but it takes years to realize it. Friends came and went throughout your childhood and early years. Some stayed and some were there for only a minute it seemed. The ones who stayed are worth remembering, cherishing and truly are blessings to count in your life.

Mistakes Were Stepping Stones to a Better Life

When my daughter came to us following the end of an abusive marriage, she thought her life was over. We discussed the mistakes she made in tying herself to a controlling man and what she learned from that experience. It took time but she finally realized that she learned that this mistake she married allowed her to move on to a better future. As painful as it was, he was a stepping stone to something better.

Look at your mistakes as learning experiences and stepping stones to your future.  Then count your blessings that you did learn from the mistakes.

2 Big Reasons Why You Should Count Your Blessings

Benefits abound when you think positively, and being grateful for the blessings in your life offers many perks. Try making a list of ways that gratitude works in your favor.

Gratitude Improves Your Health

A positive attitude boosts health and happiness. You will sleep better and feel less stress in your life. The peace that comes from contentment with your life results in overall better health and possibly a longer life.

Gratitude Boosts Your Self Esteem

Negative people often dislike themselves. Positive people radiate their feelings of self worth in their everyday lives. People are full of expectations of others and once we learn to let go of that need for approval by others, our self-esteem grows.

Mentally thank the people in your past for teaching you lessons that allowed you to accept yourself and move on. Showing gratitude for all those people and moments you left behind helps you face today and your senior years with positivity. Focus on boosting the feelings of others and watch your own self-esteem grow.

How You Can Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings daily by journaling.

Gratitude is perhaps the most important key to finding success and happiness in the modern day.” 

1. Get out of yourself and reach out to others. Give others your full attention. Hug someone.

2. Make a list of the blessings in your life and refer to it often.

3. Avoid wasting time thinking about what might have been.

4. Determine to enjoy the financial goodies offered only to seniors. Look for dining discounts . Take advantage of travel or shopping discounts. When you fly, enjoy the opportunity to board early and get settled before the overhead bins fill.

5. When children or grandkids visit, thank God they do so. Don’t complain that they should come more often. Enjoy the time they give you.

5. Face each day with gratefulness and a smile. Approach each day as a new opportunity and thank God for each new day!

Make up your mind that with every problem or difficult situation you face, you will look for something positive in it. Zig Ziegler once said, “Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” Look at your life through that lens of gratitude and count your blessings.




By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.

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