A Love Letter to My Husband & 2 Reasons Why Marriages Last




As we stood at the altar in the chapel of Nashville’s First Presbyterian Church 54 years ago today, neither of us could have imagined all that God planned for our lives. We had discussed having a couple of children when Jim finished college, but the idea of 6 never crossed our minds. We talked about traveling someday. Never did we dream of the places we would eventually visit. Our first goal was for you to finish your degree, not realizing then you would accomplish that and much more.

Marriage takes commitmentEach milestone we crossed as the years went by brought us closer and stronger as a couple. Sometimes, I supported you and other times, you were there to encourage me. You never laughed at my crazy ideas and always looked for ways to make them happen. You were always on board for whatever activity I dreamed up.  Through years of little boys, big boys, baseball fields and basketball courts, adopting our baby girl in an unfamiliar country, years of dance lessons and recitals, our 1980 surprise that brightened our lives, the arrival of our older daughter who spoke only Spanish and the ensuing months of helping her adjust to life in America, and on to our current life in Florida, I wouldn’t change a bit of it.

We had good times, great times and the expected difficult times through the years and always, what made this marriage work was respect for each other and commitment to our future together.  All the love in the world won’t hold people together, if they don’t treat each other with respect and stay truly committed to making it work, especially during the tough times.  We did that!

Thank you, Jim, for the last 54 years and I look forward to many more with the man I love.





By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.


  1. Happy Late Anniversary!!!!!! Love hearing your stories!!! 54 years is amazing and all together uncommon these days. Congratulations!!!

  2. Through our far too short time as nearby friends, seeing the respect you gave each other and how you pitched in to help the other succeed, I often wished that every couple knew those secrets. Too often it seems, if the smallest thing goes wrong, it’s off to the parents’ houses and then to the lawyers. Although marriage can be fun, few seem to realize it is working together through the worst times that makes it a real marriage. Love you both.

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