Keys to Staying Young As You Grow Older*


keys to living

I’m a big believer in mind over matter. If you believe you can do something, you’re already halfway to your goal. My husband refers to it as seeing the glass half full.  However you go about it, self-confidence and a positive attitude will take you a long way. In a study of 100,000 women, it was found that women who are optimists were 30% less likely to die of heart disease than were pessimists. So that positive mental attitude is also good for your physical health. All the makeup and face lifts in the world won’t keep you young inside if you don’t look at your world in a positive manner. The following suggestions will help you “stay young” as you age.

*Stay cognitively and physically active.  Medical professionals will tell you that it is imperative to set and keep to a regular exercise program as you age. Keeping those arms and legs limber and flexible will take years off your age and make you feel good. If you cut back on physical activity, your muscles will shrink from lack of use. Keep your mind active, as well. If you no longer work at something using your brain, work crossword puzzles. Even playing card games or Scrabble will motivate  your mind.

exercise young

*Don’t act your age!  That may sound a bit odd but seriously the expression, “You’re only as old as you feel,” is true.  Think young. Move like you feel young.  Eventually, you will really feel much younger.  Don’t assume you are too old to ride the roller coaster. Unless  you have a medical condition prohibiting it, give it a try. Never think you are too old to do anything as long as you have medical clearance.

*Resist using any kind of mobility aids until you absolutely need them.  That goes for wheel chairs, canes or even the motorized cart at Walmart. It’s far too easy to become dependent on them.

*Continue working after retirement.  Even if you don’t financially need to work, find something you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be full time hours. Even part-time work will get you out around people, keep your mind active and your spirits up. Some experts say that early retirement leads to early death.

*Ignore negative stereotypes about aging.  Set goals for the future. Look forward to “tomorrow.” Avoid negative people when you can and consider surrounding yourself with a few younger, more upbeat friends. That alone will make you feel better and younger.

*Keep a positive outlook on life.  If you think of yourself as “over the hill” and useless, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.


*Live a high-quality life.  Stay busy. Volunteer if you do not work. Make friends and see them often. Join a group if that appeals to you. Socialize whenever you can. Helping others makes you feel as good as the person you assist. Fill your life with positive, quality activities.



By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.

1 comment

  1. Another winner! This article really came at a good time for me. All those aches n creaks and just rising from the couch was requiring effort. I began again doing squats (even just a few several times a day) and within three days the legs stopped complaining as I stood up from a low seat! If your body allows , just start with three or so each time you think of it during the day. This change does not require twenty sets of 50! I’m amazed at the change in my mobility with this one simple change.

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