How I Broke Free of Feeling Old


Red Car Head Light
                                       Photo by Vraj Shah and Pexels

Breaking Free!

Today I broke free!  I gave up the silver in my hair and the boring nail polish seniors seem to wear.  Today I broke free!  I gave up the silver, gray and white SUV or cargo type vehicles.  This grin on my face started when…well, let me start at the beginning.

My Ford Escape, for the second time in less than a week, beeped the alarm that at least one tire wobbled along on low air pressure.  I knew the problem.  A stray nail found its way into the tread and with each turn of the tire, a tiny bit of air seeped out.  The seepage ran slow over the last several weeks, so I put off buying a new tire until the week of our upcoming vacation.  At that time, I intended to have a full oil change and checkup to ensure the car safety on the trip.

Being nowhere near a gas station with a working air pump, panic rose. I had the misfortune of waiting a minute too long  three years prior.  Upon seeing the tire signal on the dash of a previous car  and mistakenly thinking I had some time, I ended up shredding one tire while mangling a second.  That turned into a four hundred dollar mistake.  As I rode slowly along, what should appear, but a Ford dealership sign that I swear had a halo surrounding it and an ethereal hand beckoning me forward.

Kind Professionalism Makes a Great Impression!

The young man from the service bay approached with a smile and welcoming handshake.  Within a very few minutes, he returned the car with fully inflated tires.  I asked the cost of a new tire.  He provided an exceptionally good price.  Promising to return the next day for the tire, an oil change and full checkup, I found the man and the dealership made a great impression.

Returning today with only the new tire on my mind, imagine my surprise when a couple of hours later I drove out of the dealership in a beautiful new Ford Fusion.  A bronzed-fire colored Ford Fusion.  No more dull, boring colors getting lost in a parking lot sea filled with  silver, gray and white vehicles.  Instead I drove away in a sporty little job, that roars when I step on the gas and makes me feel years younger just by being in it.

A recent article gave me the oomph to try something new.  In it we are cautioned Not to Act Our Age and when I saw this beauty of a car, I took the author’s advice to heart.

Spur of the Moment Change

With few to no adventurous things to do in my current neighborhood, I found myself feeling useless, hopeless and darn it, OLD!  With the spur of the moment car purchase, the years dropped away.  I feel as though anything is possible, because my best years are not behind me.

Our vacation to Florida, although something we looked forward to, posed the problem of driving a long distance.  Somehow, in my dull SUV, I saw nothing but miles and miles with no end.  With the new bronzed-fire Fusion, I look forward to that drive, because driving that car is the most fun I have add in ages.

Who can take out a sporty car with gray hair streaming in the wind and broken nails on the fingers holding the wheel?  Silver locks turned to luscious blond.  The nails swept through the ultimate manicure, coming out the other side with bronzed color and a design or two.

Maybe a car isn’t the answer for everyone, but finding something that brings back a flash of youth can only be good for any of us.  When you are out on the road, look for a sexy car with a sexy blond sporting sexy nails driving it.


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