Break Open that Brew! It’s Good for You.



When I was young, I wondered why so many people liked the taste of beer. It just didn’t interest me at all. But beer aficionados have been around forever. In his book, “Tasting Beer,” Randy Mosher says the Sumerians in the Middle East were the first great civilization and they loved their beer, which they called kas. So, the brew has been around practically forever! Now, craft beer is the “in” thing. With breweries popping up all over, consumers must really love their beer.

Beer is good for you!  Who knew? And it’s all in the hops. Studies have shown that antioxidants in the hops in beer prevent all kinds of diseases, or at least minimize your chances of them. Beer has been found to be more nutritious that other alcoholic beverages, contains more antioxidants than wine, and is higher in protein, Vitamin B6 and fiber than wine. Some experiments have shown that xanthohumol can actually prevent prostate cancer and decreases the chances of getting kidney stones. Dark ales and stout beers were found to reduce heart attacks but must be consumed in moderation. In fact, beer appears to boost good health in many ways.

Here are some facts. Beer:

* Prevents a decrease in bone density.
* Is high in flavonoids and acts as a natural hormone replacment.
* Boosts creativity and cognition
* Protects brain from degenerative disorders like Alzheimers and Parkinson’s.
* The malt nourishes hair and smooths it.
* The yeast strengthens and pumps up volume in hair.
* Bathe in it for better skin.
*Makes good batter for cooking.
* Improves blood in the brain.
* Reduces the risk of kidney stones.
* Allows your arteries to become more flexible & increases circulation.
* Can cut your risk of stroke in half.
* Decreases the risk of diabetes.
* Cures insomnia
* Prevents cataracts.

Now don’t start thinking that all of those positives mean you can down a six-pack every night or get loaded on the weekends.  The health facts only hold true for moderate beer drinkers.  In fact, since beer contains 3-7 per cent alcohol, government guidelines suggest that consumers should drink no more than 14 units per week. Women should consume even less. In the government guide, Dietary Guidelines, it says that women of legal drinking age should consume no more than one drink per day. Men should consume a maximum of two drinks a day.

At the ripe old age of 50, I finally acquired a taste for beer, some beers anyway. It came about by frequently tasting my husband’s beer, and one day I realized I actually liked some dark brews. But I don’t like them enough to drink one every day so it stands to reason that I’m not likely to benefit from many of the antioxidants and vitamins that offer protection from disease.  But if you do enjoy a daily brew, perhaps you’ll find some redeeming features in the form of better health. And don’t forget:  Moderation is the way to reap the best health rewards.



By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.

1 comment

  1. my dad was told many many years ago to drink beer… I hate the taste of I’ll be taking the vitamins!!!! good article…

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