How Many Ways Can You Kill a Mosquito?


MOSQUITOIt’s summer, and that means mosquito season! Those pesky insects just seem to move in and take over, at least in Southwest Florida. Warm weather helps mosquito eggs hatch, and those babies become adults in less than a week, ready to wreak havoc on humans. The annoyance of itchy bites, along with the fear of disease – and especially, the Zika virus – make it necessary to find ways to eradicate the little beasts.

In the yard, there are several ways to reduce or eliminate mosquitoes. First, get rid of any standing water. That’s the perfect breeding ground. Also, remove any loose brush and keep all landscaping trimmed. Mosquito misting systems use insecticide to eliminate pests from outdoor space. They operate on either remote control or on timers. Air Curtains are often used at entrances to businesses but are becoming popular for residences to control mosquitoes. Liquid dish soap is a popular remedy. Just squirt a small amount into a shallow dish and place around doors and windows and watch the mosquitoes fill them up. Bug lights also help but do not completely eliminate the insects. Citronella candles burned on patios or porches help ward off mosquitoes. Some recommend rubbing fabric softener sheets on exposed skin.  This actually works but can irritate skin on some people.

A few more natural methods supposedly help get rid of mosquitoes. Beer traps are interesting. Since mosquitoes are attracted to people who drink beer, it stands to reason that a cup of cheap beer set in various places would do so, as well.  Just watch those cups fill up with dead mosquitoes! Hint:  Don’t drink beer if you plan to be outside if you want to avoid bites.

Plant lemongrass around your yard and around the patio or porch. This is the active ingredient used in citronella candles, and it works to repel mosquitoes.

In fact, several other plants are said to work as insect repellents. Try planting the following:

Lemon Thyme
Lemon Balm

Try to avoid being outdoors at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are heaviest and wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts if you are in an area where infestations are heavy. It also helps to educate yourself about the symptoms of mosquito-born diseases so you’ll know to seek medical help immediately if they should appear.

Mosquito repellents are a must for full protection outdoors. Research the subject to know which ones work best.  Some people are sensitive to the ingredients in repellents so watch out for the symptoms.




By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.

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