Dating – What People Say…


Secret, Whispering, Ear, Woman, Lips
  artwork by mohamed_hassan and compliments of Pixabay

Lord, keep me from the things that people say. I’ve noted during this odyssey into the Dating Site world that so many contenders start their stories with “People say…”

People say I am handsome and look like Clark Gable or Gary Cooper in their prime. People say I am kind, loving, humorous, kind to animals and children. People say I am self-confident, laugh well and know how to smile. People say I don’t cross against the lights downtown. People say I cook pretty good, have great hobbies and can track a cougar through the swamps. People say…

Oddly enough I’ve never seen any possible partner write, “People say I am one tough sonofab****, have a ripping temper, look like Godzilla before he came to Hollywood, and used to beat my wife and kids. Or people say I am a sullen, nasty curmudgeon with no semblance of decency or personality.

Frankly, my dears, that’s patently ridiculous. During my lifetime people have said I looked like a gorgeous picture my husband chose for the mantel of a stunning half-naked woman. It was fairly obvious they either did not have their glasses on or they were blind as the well known bat.

People say I am an angel for helping them; others that I am the meanest bitch in town because I fired them for beating disabled clients or for stealing from them. People say I’m a pretty good cook…unless they hit me on that night when I don’t give a rip what I put on the table.

I’ve never tracked a cougar, wrestled an alligator or even fed a shark, but there are those people out there who will say I did or I could. They don’t know me or they wouldn’t make such silly statements.

People say I am always smiling while others insist they never see me smile and I must be a snob. People say I love what you write; it sounds as though you’re speaking to me. Other people, notably publishers, send me a pretty card imprinted with ‘REJECTED’ and rarely say anything.

So folks, if you are going on this dating binge, please don’t tell the world what people say, because no one cares. They care about what you think of yourself, how you would describe yourself, and who you face in the mirror each morning. What do you enjoy the most?


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