Is It Normal Forgetfulness Or Should I be Concerned?



Elephants don't forget

Jim and I are always “losing” things. Ok, it’s just temporary misplacing them but when you need the car keys or wallet and can’t find them, it seems like disaster looms.  We all go through those moments and unfortunately, they do increase in number with age.  I prefer to think of it as my brain is just so crammed full of information that sometimes small things get lost in the crowd.  But in all seriousness, forgetting details or events or names of people we should know and losing necessary small items becomes worrisome at times.  How do we know when the normal forgetfulness of advancing years becomes something more? For those of us with family members who suffered from dementia or Alzheimer’s, either we worry frequently about whether our own temporary memory loss is a harbinger of bad things to come, or we don’t want to think of it at all.

Fortunately, there are steps we can take to improve our memory and delay or reduce the chances of developing memory problems in the future.

According to Ranjit Mani, M.D., a neurologist with the Food & Drug Administration’s Division of Neurology Products, doctors evaluate memory loss using a variety of tests, from physical and neurological exams to lab tests, MRI’s and CAT scans, to medical history. They first rule out any diseases of the brain that could be causing memory issues. Medications – either prescribed or over-the-counter – can interfere with memory function, and those would be investigated before proceeding with a diagnosis.  Even antihistamines can interfere with normal processes of the brain.

Doctors look for a patient’s use of alcohol, because excessive consumption can cause a deficiency in Vitamin B1 and affect a patient’s memory. Alcohol and medications change chemicals in the brain.

A patient who suffers repeated head injury, such as football players sustain, may suffer permanent memory loss at some point.  Thyroid problems, sleep deprivation and diseases can affect memory.

football player


Minor strokes may affect the ability of the brain to recall every day tasks.

Dementia is a serious brain impairment and severity usually increases over time. Alzheimer’s is the more common form of dementia where loss of brain cells progress over a period of months or years.

Doctors will want to know if the memory loss disrupts daily life, such as balancing a checkbook, driving or personal care. How often do memory loss episodes occur. What about confusion? Serious problems may be indicated if a person gets lost in familiar places. I remember a relative who once got lost at his local hardware store.  He eventually found his car but didn’t know how to get home. That’s a red flag! This man was eventually diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  A physician will take all this information into account in diagnosing the memory problems.

To delay or reduce the risk of developing  memory problems, consider the following suggestions:

Eat a nutritional diet. As we get older, our bodies’ ability to absorb nutrients declines. Be sure to add additional nutrients to your daily diet to make up for this decline.

Exercise regularly.  Most any kind of physical exercise keeps the blood flowing to the brain and all cylinders working as they should.

Exercise your brain.  Find new ways to stimulate the brain function. Learn new games. Write a book. Play the piano. Even reading keeps your mind active. There is an excellent brain jogging game online called Lumosity.  It uses brain games to check every possible area of the brain and strengthen them.


Practice healthy habits. Don’t smoke!  Use alcohol in moderation. Take care of your teeth. Keep your weight under control.

For more information, check out the following sites:


By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.

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