You’re Only As Old As You Feel

old age
         You’re Only As Old As You Feel

(Photo used with permission from Spice of Life FB)

How many times have you heard the expression, “You’re only as old as you feel?”  According to a recent study by scientists at University College London, it might be true.  If you feel younger than your actual age, you may live longer.  If you feel your age or older, you may be at risk.

Feeling younger than your age may be a combination of healthy living and eating and having a strong will to live.  Factors that influence the age you feel include serious illness, aches and pains, and the types of physical activity and social life in which you participate.  (

This study took people’s health, mobility and functioning ability into account and found an association between feeling older than one’s real age and greater mortality over 8 years.

An experiment by a group of Yale researchers published in Psychological Science online, suggests that the body feels what the mind perceives about social stereotypes on aging. Older adults who underwent interventions to help them view aging in a more positive way became more physically agile. (

Becca Levy, Ph.D, Associate Professor at the Yale School of Public Health, says that people with positive views on aging were 40% more likely to recover fully from severe disability than those with negative views. (

We may not be able to stave off the years, but we can do a lot about staying young inside. Let’s look at some ways to nourish our bodies to slow down the aging process.

Fine-tune your diet.  Eat more foods high in Omega-3 fats, like salmon, seeds and walnuts. Those fats are good guys and help raise good cholesterol, stabilize your moods and use fat in your body for energy.  Drink red wine.  A little wine each day feeds your brain. A recent Johns Hopkins animal study suggests that red wine can diminish brain damage from a stroke by as much as 40%. And it reduces clogged arteries.

Superfruits are the rage today. Pomegranate juice is said to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.  Gogi berries contain 500 times more vitamins than an orange.  It is thought the gogi berry releases the human growth hormone in our bodies that help us sleep, look younger and improves memory.

Green tea is another buzz term that has people talking about its health benefits.  According to, green tea has been found to reduce the risk of breast cancer.  Testing is now underway to determine its effectiveness in helping prevent bladder, and colorectal cancers.  A Japanese study suggested that at least 1 cup a day of green tea helps keep the brain sharp as you get older. (

Used with Permission from Spice of Life FB
Used with Permission from Spice of Life FB

Treat your face to a more youthful look.  You could spend a fortune on the various products on the retail market to prevent wrinkles, smooth your skin, prevent aging, etc. Retinol is said to be the strongest and most effective treatment to improve your skin’s appearance.  But some of us find it to be too harsh for our skin. There are many alternatives that help reduce lines and improve the texture of the skin.  You may have to experiment to find one that works for you and your budget. For everyday use, I stick to Neutrogena Face Lotion that is an alpha hydroxy product.  It’s mild enough for my sensitive skin and seems to help. One article I read suggested La Roche-Posage Redermic found at CVS.  It said the ingredient, madecassoside, is used in Europe to heal scars and wounds and diminishes wrinkles. I have not tried this one.  The trick is to find one at a price you like that makes you comfortable as it works on your face.  If you feel good about the way you look, you will automatically feel younger.

Feed your brain!  Keeping your mind active and engaged as you age is crucial to staying young. Use the computer for research; take a class on a subject of interest; play ping-pong; work jigsaw puzzles.  Even playing some video games can stimulate your brain.  Find a passion in life.  It could be a hobby, service to others through volunteer work, playing tennis or any kind of physical activity that keeps you moving and uses your brain.

Above all, a zest for living, an excitement or anticipation about what the next day might bring provides a reason to get up and get going and make the most of your senior years. Don’t miss out by thinking you are too old.  You are only as old as you feel!



By Carol North

Author, blogger, Carol North writes about pets, children and travel and looks forward to sharing her years of experience. Carol is definitely a sassy senior and says you'll have to ask her husband about the sexy part.

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