Don’t Let Your Spouse’s Death Kill You As Well

Frankly, I am thoroughly upset today.  From the time my father-in-law passed away until the death of the spouse of my new friend, I have noticed one terrible truth.  The one left behind stops living, too!  Or, they totally lose themselves in the strangeness of once again being single.  Not only is it sad; it is… Continue reading Don’t Let Your Spouse’s Death Kill You As Well

Widow’s Suicide

  When we returned from mother’s funeral, it was to find Daddy had arrived ahead of us.  That wasn’t unusual.  What hit so hard when we found him, was seeing every gun he owned surrounding his chair. “Dad, we have to put these up.  The grandkids will be here any minute.”  Steel laced my brother’s voice. … Continue reading Widow’s Suicide

Widow’s Anger

  The guilt eventually passed. Enjoying the company of friends and laughing seemed almost right. Months had passed. I congratulated myself on how well I handled Bru’s death overall. I moved with my daughter to a new home. Always our first priority had been take care of the children; give them what they need. Wants,… Continue reading Widow’s Anger

Dating Site Rejection

  As a writer I am used to getting those nasty little rejection slips.  In my younger days, each impersonal form letter broke my tender heart.  Over the years I discovered they were much worse than originally thought.  While pouring out of my heart and soul to strangers, literally begging the publisher to take pity… Continue reading Dating Site Rejection

Widow’s School

Although I prepared for three long years, it was not a school I wanted to attend.  The admission cost was far too high though I attended locally.  It was a school that could mend or tear a family apart. Some days learning proved impossible.  On others knowledge weighed on my shoulders to the point of… Continue reading Widow’s School